Do you know what issues and concerns local older people have or you should be interested in?
I'm pleased to say that our next public meeting is fast approaching at 10.30 am on Wednesday 7th June.
Venue: Age UK, Lavinia House, Dukes Square, Denne Road, Horsham RH12 2LZ or
via ZOOM (please request joining info).
We have, as always, relevant and informative guest speakers:
Laura Robertson, Sussex NHS Commissioners, to update us on the current state of play with our NHS services;
Carol Boniface to tell us about our Neighbourhood Wardens and the excellent work they do in the community.
Danny Grocock, Co-op Estate Planning Services on 'Tax, Care & Toyboys'.
Linda Clinton, Roundabout Talking News on the valued free weekly news audio service for the visually impaired.
And, of course, time for issues and concerns to be raised and discussed. Usually, those attending often helpfully know the answers, i.e., local Councillors who care about local older peoples' issues and healthcare professionals.
Our public meetings are always friendly and enjoyable. I've always learnt something.
I look forward to seeing you either in person or via Zoom.
Thank you for your ongoing support.

Martin Bruton
Chairman Horsham District Older Peoples Forum