Covid Vaccination Update - Spring booster - information courtesy of Holbrook Surgery PPG March 2022 Newsletter
The spring booster is now being offered to people over 75, those over 12 who have a weakened immune system, and
residents of care homes for older people.
To book an appointment you need to arrange this online through the National Booking System or by calling 119. Please do not call the surgery to arrange. Here is the link to book online
It is important to know that you need to have had your 1st and 2nd vaccine to be able to have the spring booster. You are also advised to wait six months from your last dose to get maximum protection. If you have had Covid you need to have
been clear for at least 28 days and you should currently not have any cold or flu like symptoms. There is a lot of information about side effects, etc., on the NHS website if you have any concerns or want further information.
We have heard from patients that they have already received their invitations from the NHS to book their boosters and, apart from one, have found no difficulty booking. We have also heard from some patients who have been able to book
even though they have not yet received their invite. Patients have so far been able to book at Christ’s Hospital, Beare Green, and Crawley Hospital. We understand that there are other venues within a reasonable travelling distance but to
our knowledge there is nowhere in Horsham town.
If you have not had any vaccinations for Covid it is never too late, and we would strongly encourage you to get this done. It is really easy to book this online through the National Booking System using the link above. If you have any
concerns about allergies, needles, etc., we suggest you arrange this by calling 119 who will know the best place to have this done. From our experience of helping at Millennium Hall a lot of people, particularly young people, have issues
about needles. The vaccinators were very sensitive to this and did everything they could to make this as easy possible for the person concerned.
