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Do you know what's going on? Our NHS locally? Vaccinations? Council plans? Older people's concerns?

Here is your opportunity to find out, ask your questions and discuss what's happening locally.

On Tuesday, 4th October 2022, starting at 10 am, the Older Peoples Forum will be holding a public meeting for its supporters, who will have the opportunity of hearing from the Leader of Horsham District Council, Cllr Jonathan Chowen, as to what the HDC is doing and what their plans are; Laura Robertson from the Sussex NHS Commissioners on the latest updates on vaccinations, GP access etc. and a talk on 'Tax, Care & Toyboys'. There will be, as always, time for any concerns and other issues affecting local older people to be raised and discussed.

We will also hold a hopefully quick AGM, including a vote on a revised HDOPF Constitution for 2022, updating our 2015 one. Details on our website

The meeting venue is Age UK, Lavinia House, Dukes Square, Denne Road, Horsham RH12 1GZ if you would like to attend 'in person' or attend via Zoom. To reserve your place or request the Zoom joining information, please use the contact us page or email

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