Our MP Question Time event on Friday the 1st April very nearly didn't happen as on the morning, Andrew Griffith MP had to cancel.
Fortunately Andrew Griffith had managed to speak with Jeremy Quin MP for Horsham, and he kindly quickly rearranged his packed Friday Constituency Day morning schedule to allow time to attend our meeting at Age UK, Lavinia House. Whilst he only spent just under an hour with us and our Zoom attendees, he did cover much ground on the important questions we had, including concerns over the cancellation of the manifesto State Pension triple lock this year, BT stopping copper phone lines to go all internet, Care and of course the war in Ukraine . After Jeremy left, our lively discussion continued as usual and requests also made for guest speakers for future meetings i.e. Cllr Jonathan Chowen, the new Leader of Horsham District Council (who has since agreed to attend our Tuesday 4th October 22 public meeting).
Jeremy Quin will also attend our next MP Question Time event scheduled for Friday 25th November 2022
Our next public meeting is 10.30am on Tuesday 7th June, at Age UK, Lavinia House and via Zoom